Free Clay Recycling ‑ Free clay recycling workshop
Clay Recycling and Clay Modification for clay artists,
teachers and hobbyists.
Make your clay the exact softness/hardness you need.
Modify for sculpture or paper clay needs. NO LUMPS, no heavy work. Tried and true.
Click here for details
That's Art Biz! ‑ A business workshop for visual artists
Intensive, Comprehensive, Humorous.
That's Art Biz! is a one evening and two day intensive (17 hour)
workshop addressing:
Goal setting, Time management, Decision-making, Graphic needs,
Photo-documentation, Media releases, Resumes, Portfolio development,
Presentation, Commissions, Project budgets, Contracts, Legal issues, Web
sites, Copyrights, AZ State Consignment Laws, Time lines, Policy
development, Professional growth, Marketing, Pricing, Overhead,
Financial planning, maintaining Positive growth attitudes, and
Evaluating it all.
$89. Workbook $14.95. Shipping in US, add $2.00.
Offered Fall 2008 at Pima Community Education (Activities Catalog):
AR030 - That's Art Biz
Fri/Sat/Sun 9/26-9/28, 2008 3 Days $119
CRN # 71498
and materials fee: $12.75
7-9:30pm; Sat/Sun: 9am-4:30pm with half-hour break for lunch
Location: PCC Community Campus, 401 N. Bonita Ave.
"As an artist I'm concerned about every
artist's survival; the more information we share, the greater our
success. I've taught this workshop since 1988 – every new session offers
me the opportunity to update and streamline my information and business
procedures. Consignment laws are important. Arizona's existing laws
protect artists but they aren't well known or enforced. I often
encounter galleries or craft shops that are ignorant of the state
consignment laws or choose to ignore them. I want to educate every
artist and encourage all of us to require galleries to honor these
consignment laws."
(Click link to Artist Legal Issues)
Workbook, printouts, reference and sources $15.
This workshop uses mostly reclaimed materials.
Holdread (520) 628-8180 ........ E-mail
"Excellent, intense. Highly informative, enjoyable class."
"Instructor was extremely knowledgeable and helpful."
"Well documented and updated to be current."
"Inspiring, informative and a RIOT."
B+ :Be Positive!
– 2 hrs.
Why be a positive thinker? Positive thinkers enjoy better health,
higher energy levels, cooperation and clarity. Do you enjoy being
around positive people? Develop the skills, practice new habits and
become one yourself with this fun interactive two-hour workshop. Learn
to recognize and sidestep negative patterns while practicing new healthy
positive attitudes.
Joy L. Holdread, rational, effective human being, clay artist, painter,
writer, positive thinker, and zestful life participant.
This workshop uses mostly reclaimed materials.
Mug Mania
– 6 hours
We all need small gifts several times a year;
thinking of you, just-because, birthdays, anniversaries,
thank you gifts – and people value hand crafted gifts.
Let’s collaborate with mugs you personalize!
I’ll throw mugs of high quality stoneware clay on my potter’s
wheel and trim them. You arrive while the clay mug is workable and
either carve or add designs with more clay. When you’ve finished adding
your special touch I’ll pull and attach a handle. We both sign the
bottom of the mug. You have professionally made mugs – by an
older-than-dirt Tucson Clay Artist – that you’ve personalized! Workshops
include other fascinating, enjoyable people. I personally invite only
people I enjoy – and I enjoy watching my varied friends and contacts
Do you prefer private sessions for those meditative
creative moods? Add $5. per hour.
This workshop uses reclaimed materials
Alternative Happy Hour
– 2 hours
Relax at weeks end and explore your creativity in a quiet
peaceful space.
Open ended, no starting or ending dates,
each session complete in itself.
No artistic experience needed.
Quiet spaces for meditative projects
Social space to visit and unwind
Hand-building demonstration at 6 pm
Personal instruction available
This workshop uses reclaimed materials
Low Tech Clay Recycling and Customizing– 2 hours
Got Rocks or Mountains of Dried Clay?
want to invest in a pug mill? Joy Holdread developed a simple low-tech,
low energy method of recycling clay. Finish with clay at the exact
softness you want.
No lumps, even porcelain surrenders to this process.
The tools and equipment are simple and inexpensive to make
I’ve developed/adapted methods to reclaim clay
from every stage of dryness, using simple tools easily found in most
clay studios.
For each stage there are at least two methods...
“QUICK,” the method that is more labor intensive
but provides workable clay fast, and...
the slower method, streamlined to produce clay with less work and
back strain.
$15 Workshop fee includes 2 page typed
handout describing both the low-stress, back-friendly method and the
quick I-want-it-now, methods. Optional potluck, networking session
follows. Can’t attend the workshop? (The 2-page typed handout alone is
available for $4, see below).
Send check and SASE to:
Holdread Studio Studio, 2627 N. Geronimo Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85705
By popular demand I've developed Low
Tech Clay Recycling Notes.
Based on the workshop, the major focus is
taking clay from rock hard to wedgeable
with minimal labor, simple equipment and NO LUMPS.
Send $4.00 (US) and a SASE (only one 41-cent stamp needed).
Mail to:
Holdread Studio
2627 N. Geronimo Ave.
Tucson, AZ. 85705 USA
Out of the US please include postage info required.
“Tools from Trash” – 3 hours
Making your own pottery tools and equipment –
for clay artists as well as teachers
Any clay artist can make tools from household and found
objects, and build studio equipment and shelving from salvaged
materials. I believe creative resourceful tool making and problem
solving is an essential part of the creative process. You can, of course
buy these tools but that’s expensive. Your objective is to be
resourceful, find and/or make as many as possible. We will all be richer
for the experience and you’ll have an assortment of tools to keep.
One of the difficulties teachers face is having enough basic tools for
30 students to use at the same time.
Joy L. Holdread developed a workshop for teachers and/or
children that demonstrates and explains how to make several of the tools
pottery student’s use. Not only are many of these tools scaled to fit
smaller hands, but making their own tools encourages and develops
resourceful thinking, self-reliance and problem solving skills.
Additionally Holdread developed a list of resources for free or nearly
free tools and equipment. Making use of easily available materials is
not only an exercise in Resourceful Problem Solving – it’s a “green”
Workshop basic price in Tucson, $75. Pima County $95.
Includes several sample materials, and hands-on time with clay.
Allow 3 hours for workshop.
By popular demand I've developed
"Tools from Trash"
and illustrations
based on the
Send $6.50 American and a SASE (only one 41 cent stamp needed) to
Holdread Studio
2627 N. Geronimo Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85705 USA
Out of the US please include postage info required.
Coping With Tiny Studio Spaces
– 1.5 hours
Coping with and using every square inch of a tiny studio spaces.
Holdread is famous for making every square inch of her
tiny studio work efficiently.
Take a tour, get inspired.
Promoting Yourself Using Reclaimed Materials
2 hours
Display equipment and graphic promotional items are easily
made with old
posters, flyers, paint and wire. Think creatively.
Focus on reclaimed materials.
Promoting Yourself with Simple Graphics
2 hours
Mount and print your own show labels and product information,
develop your artist’s and series statement.
Focus on reclaimed paper.